Hey guys! I’m popping in quickly today to bring you a quick workout! It has been a really crazy last couple of days trying to catch up on work after being away last week for the ACE Symposium. I have so much to share from the conference and am working on gathering all that information for you. So stay tuned for a recap! To get an idea of what went on, the PurelyTwins wrote up a spectacular recap of the event, including our picture together! They were so sweet and cool in person and I was psyched to meet them.
In the meantime, I want to share a simple workout I made up last night in the gym. Instead of lifting heavy like usual, I wanted a quick and dirty metabolic workout that would get me moving and sweating. So I came up with this Metabolic Booster Circuit:
I grabbed a jump rope and 25lb. kettlebell and got to work.
10 Pushups: For the pushups I tried moving my hands around the floor to hit different muscles which was really challenging!
20 KB Swings: Initially I grabbed a 35lb. KB but noticed that I was working my lower back more than my glutes. No bueno! By decreasing the weight I could reallly focus on “popping” my hips.
10 Single Arm KB Rows: Holding the 25lb. KB in one hand, I put my legs in a lunge position (opposite leg of lifting arm in front) using my free hand for support on my bent leg then rowed the KB up. After 10, then I switched arms.
100 Jump Rope: This really got my heart rate up! If you can do double unders, do 50 DU instead. Tough stuff!
Rinse and repeat. 5RFT if you choose.
I actually didn’t really do reps for time and let myself rest between sets. If you really want a hardcore metabolic workout, do the circuit without rest and time yourself. After just two sets I was sweating like a beast in my “I Lift Heavy Things” tank which was probably the wrong choice for A. metabolic circuit without heavy weights and B. lots of jumping. Let’s just say the girls were all over the place. Awkward.
I finished in about 20 minutes and then worked on Double Unders for a bit. Gosh I suck at those now. Need to practice!
I hope you enjoy this Metabolic Booster Circuit. Let me know how it goes!